April 17, 2024

Just checking in to say hi.

I have been doing some writing lately. Mostly non-fiction. I just feel like I should be doing a little non-fiction right now. I don’t know what I am going to do with it. I may publish it, I may not. I’m mostly writing about my journey with cancer and how God is helping me through it. There has been a lot of medical stuff in our household since 2018, so there is a lot to tell. Brain surgeries, heart transplants, wow, just so much.

Anyways, I’m still chugging along. I just wanted to give a brief update and give you all an Amos fix.

March 16, 2024

I got my brain MRI results back. Everything is stable. I still have numerous tumors, but they are not getting bigger. I’m calling that a win.

Amos seems to be getting better. He’s on prednisone to help with his allergy issues. He seems to be tolerating it well.

My parents were here for a visit and left this morning. We had fun seeing them. But now it’s time to get back focused on writing.