May 16, 2024

Amos has been having some skin issues that we are assuming are allergy related. It’s been going on for months. The vet gave us some meds that were supposed to help, but I don’t think they’ve done much. We are going to take him back to see his vet next week so hopefully she can come up with something else to help him. We shaved his back really short so she can see his skin through his hair.

I’ve been working on a non-fiction piece about how I have come this far with cancer with a mostly positive attitude. I don’t know if I will publish it or not, but it’s nice to just write it out. I think that is part of what helps. But it is very slow going because my brain has a hard time with writing. That is partly why I haven’t posted here much lately. My hands don’t want to cooperate with typing either. I go in for another brain scan in June, but I doubt it will be much different than my last scan.

I’ve been trying to come up with a new hobby to keep me busy and to work my hands more. I can’t really crochet or do needle work anymore because my chemo makes the skin on my fingers dry and flaky so it snags on the yarn. I was thinking about going back to drawing and painting, but painting is so expensive. I may give drawing a go again. I’ll have to see. I used to enjoy drawing.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful summer. Hopefully I will post again here soon.

April 17, 2024

Just checking in to say hi.

I have been doing some writing lately. Mostly non-fiction. I just feel like I should be doing a little non-fiction right now. I don’t know what I am going to do with it. I may publish it, I may not. I’m mostly writing about my journey with cancer and how God is helping me through it. There has been a lot of medical stuff in our household since 2018, so there is a lot to tell. Brain surgeries, heart transplants, wow, just so much.

Anyways, I’m still chugging along. I just wanted to give a brief update and give you all an Amos fix.

March 16, 2024

I got my brain MRI results back. Everything is stable. I still have numerous tumors, but they are not getting bigger. I’m calling that a win.

Amos seems to be getting better. He’s on prednisone to help with his allergy issues. He seems to be tolerating it well.

My parents were here for a visit and left this morning. We had fun seeing them. But now it’s time to get back focused on writing.