February 8, 2024

My parents sent me a picture of my dad with his old glasses and then one with his new glasses. My husband suggested we find two pairs of glasses and put them on Amos and send the pictures to my parents. I thought this picture was the cutest of the bunch. He was mostly cooperative during the photo shoot.

I have been writing on a non-fiction project that I may or may not do anything with. But writing is writing, I guess.

I’ve mostly been spending time studying the Bible and reading books on how to study the Bible. I am really enjoying my time doing that. It’s amazing how going deeper into the Bible makes it more interesting and easier to understand.

Amos is doing much better lately. I am really happy he hasn’t seemed to have many problems with this new vestibular issue. I see him struggling with it once in a while, but not much. Either that, or he is hiding it well.

My parents are going to come out to visit again sometime soon, so I will probably spend a lot of time getting ready for that. It’s nice to see them after several years of not seeing them. Amos just loves them and they love him just as much.

If anyone wants a recommendation for a good cozy mystery series, I have been reading The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun and they are really good.

I have all of my scans coming up, so I will have updates on how my cancer is soon. I am hoping the change in my chemo dose was a good thing and not a bad thing (they lowered it due to side effects being bad.)

I’ll keep you updated.

New Update.

Yesterday was my birthday. I had a really good day. We made ribs for the first time in a long time. They were a really good birthday dinner. We probably shouldn’t eat so many next time. LOL

I can’t believe I made it to another birthday. But by God’s grace, I have. When they first diagnosed me with stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis, it sounded really dire. But now it’s just part of my daily life. I do think about it sometimes. A lot actually, because it affects so much of my daily life. But I’m at peace with it. I don’t worry about it much, but I do pray about it. I tweaked my knee a couple of weeks ago and it still hurts. I worry about that more than my cancer. LOL

Amos is doing really well. He is still battling what we think are allergy issues and what I have no idea what to call them except for maybe hives. We have to keep him from licking them, which is a small battle we face every day. I think he is recovering from them though.

I’ve been writing a little bit more. Mostly non-fiction. And I heard that one of the anthologies that I am in is a finalist for a Bram Stoker award, so that’s exciting.

Other than that, not much is going on here. I hope everyone is doing well.